Tag : traffic management

ContractorHeavy Haulage

Advocating for heavy haulage and oversize

Contractor Mag
Image: Transporting essential resources to the State Highway 5 repair sites in cyclone-stricken Napier. Photo by Ben from Hick Bros Heavy Haulage. The celebration of...
Heavy Haulage

Roading sites and oversize loads

Contrafed PUblishing
By Jonathan Bhana-Thomson, chief executive, Heavy haulage association. The increasing amount of new road construction and maintenance activities on the nation’s roading network this time...
NZTA projectProjectRoading

Rai Saddle 

Gill Prentice
A key risk-spot on SH6 between Blenheim and Nelson has undergone a challenging realignment. Hugh de Lacy reports. NO FEWER THAN 20 people have died...

In memory of Pauline

Contrafed PUblishing
This article first appeared in Contractor February 2017. MARY SEARLE BELL looks back on the award-winning career of Pauline Nobbs, who led the traffic management...

A day at Christchurch’s Avon-Heathcote Estuary

Contrafed PUblishing
Repairing and widening the roads around Christchurch’s iconic Avon-Heathcote Estuary posed many interesting challenges, not all of them anticipated, as CHRIS MACANN explains. FOR MANY,...

Ferrymead Bridge: a classic lesson

Contrafed PUblishing
The piles on Christchurch’s Ferrymead Bridge would never survive a decent earthquake, the experts said – and then one arrived and proved them right. Hugh...

Auckland’s missing link

Contrafed PUblishing
AUCKLAND’S $2.5 BILLION City Rail Link project passed a milestone in April, with the appointment of two construction consortia to commence the first phase of...