Road asset management is about managing existing roads as an integrated asset in the most cost-effective manner. RICHARD SILCOCK talks with some of those involved...
The idea of bundling performance contracts had an interesting beginning – it started with a Hutt Valley contractor and his son. By ALAN TITCHALL. TODAY’S...
The new contract model contains a mix of one-sum and measured-value contracting; and both output and outcome based requirements. It sets out to clearly define...
At the time of writing 13 new NOC contracts had been awarded; three previous maintenance contracts were ‘converted’ to NOCs – Marlborough Roads (from a...
The Transport Agency’s new Network Outcomes Contracts (NOCs) model represents a paradigm shift in the way our highway network is maintained, and it has changed...
Nearly halfway through the roll-out of the NZ Transport Agency’s network outcomes contracts (NOCs), early indications are that the new maintenance and operations approach is...