Category : Scrapers


The Caterpillar 657 and 657B scrapers

Contrafed PUblishing
Creating quite a stir when it was first announced, the Caterpillar 657 has been the backbone of large capacity scraper fleets since 1962 and remains...

The International-Harvester E200 scraper – A new look

Contrafed PUblishing
We last had an overview of the International Harvester E200 back in 2007, and a considerable amount of new information has come to hand since...

The Caterpillar 619 scraper

Contrafed PUblishing
Caterpillar’s model 619 motor scraper was the very first of its ‘600’ series machines and introduced quite a few innovations not seen on its previous...

Classic Machines: The Wabco 252 scraper

Contrafed PUblishing
As it transpired, the Wabco 252FT was the last in a long line of C-series Tournapulls, and was an excellent machine, but debuted at the...

The Euclid SS-40 scraper

Contrafed PUblishing
The 1960s were the halcyon days of big motor scrapers. Most of the large equipment manufacturers had a machine in their sales catalogue with a...

The International 295 PayScraper revisited

Contractor Magazine
A big ‘heavy hitter’ from International-Harvester, the 295 had quite a measure of success during its production life, even making the transition into a ‘B’...

The Allis-Chalmers TS-260 scraper revisited

Contrafed PUblishing
Sometimes persistence really does pay off. Even more rewarding when it was someone else’s idea. Getting stuck in and ironing out the bugs can be...
Classic MachinesScrapers

The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

Contrafed PUblishing
Some ideas are brilliant but never seem to catch on, some are basically flawed from the start and others are the subject of nightmares and...

The Caterpillar model 615 scraper

Contrafed PUblishing

LeTourneau’s Model A Tournapull

Contrafed PUblishing
R.G LeTourneau conceived the idea of the self-propelled motor scraper while recovering from a near-fatal auto accident.  He approached Caterpillar with the concept but they...