NZTA projectProjectRoadingRai Saddle realignmentGill PrenticeFebruary 5, 2018November 15, 2022 by Gill PrenticeFebruary 5, 2018November 15, 2022 A key risk-spot on SH6 between Blenheim and Nelson has undergone a challenging realignment. Hugh de Lacy reports. NO FEWER THAN 20 people have died...
ContractorNZTA projectRoadingTransmission Gully Motorway progressing wellContrafed PUblishingMay 9, 2017August 16, 2022 by Contrafed PUblishingMay 9, 2017August 16, 2022 There’s been some significant progress made constructing the $850 million Transmission Gully motorway that is beyond the public gaze. RICHARD SILCOCK checks out progress. SCHEDULED...