The obligatory sod-turning for $112 million Christchurch roading project has been done and the project is on its way and due for completion in 2018....
The new Civil Contractors New Zealand chief executive Peter Silcock is no stranger to running an association but it will be his first experience with...
It was one of the biggest loads that Northland’s winding roads could handle, yet Tranzcarr made moving Top Energy’s new transformer to site look easy....
A new Flowchart Resource has been developed to assist relevant industries in understanding their potential obligations under the Health and Safety in Employment Act...
The EEZ Act needs fixing says Straterra, after the Environmental Protection Authority declined Chatham Rock Phosphate’s seabed mining application. “The decline of Chatham Rock Phosphate’s...
A family run contractor employs the latest surveying technology to build a council roading project with challengingly tight tolerances. IN OCTOBER LAST year Jilesen Contractors...
CAROLINE BOOT, PLAN A TENDER SPECIALISTS SINCE FEBRUARY THE Government’s Rules of Sourcing have been mandatory for a whole bunch more organisations than...
The land wars in New Zealand were preparation for the terrain-tortured European battlefields of WW1 in that Maori defences featured ramparts, bunkers and trenches...