The first stage of the $102 million Baypark to Bayfair (B2B) Link Upgrade in Tauranga started before Christmas. The Transport Agency’s Bay of Plenty highways manager, Niclas Johansson says the railway relocation work is the first phase of the State Highway 2 project.
“The project team is working closely with KiwiRail on the enabling works, which involves relocating the East Coast Main Trunk railway line to the west of Owens Place,” says Transport Agency Bay of Plenty highways manager Niclas Johansson.
“The relocation work required for B2B will be carried out in two stages. Fulton Hogan have been awarded the $4.1 million contract to carry out the first stage which involves preparing the site of the new railway line.
“Fulton Hogan will be doing the earthworks and drainage as well as building a noise wall and two retaining walls alongside the site of the new railway.”
Johansson says the initial work is expected to take five to six months, with the railway line expected to be relocated by late 2016, and work on the second phase of the project set to start in 2017, following the tender process.
The finished project will see two flyovers built on SH2. One will take SH2 over the Maunganui-Girven roundabout and the second will take SH29A over the railway line and the Te Maunga intersection.
The Transport Agency aims to have the flyovers open to traffic in 2020.
The B2B Link upgrade will also connect to the $455 million Tauranga Eastern Link, completing what is known as the ‘Eastern Corridor’ for the Bay of Plenty.
To view the animated drive-through of the B2B project go to
Parting words from Jeremy Sole- a final column