Category : Classic Machines

Classic MachinesTractors

The Allis-Chalmer’s HD-14 tractor

Contrafed PUblishing
The Allis-Chalmers HD-14 was introduced in 1939 and was broadly based on that company’s earlier and very successful Model L and LO gasoline powered crawlers....

The Terex 82-50 tractor

Contrafed PUblishing
The first machine to wear the markings “82-50” appeared in 1967. It was an experimental version of Euclid’s existing model 82-40 track-type tractor powered with...
CaterpillarClassic Machines

The Caterpillar 631B scraper

Contrafed PUblishing
Of all the motor scrapers that Caterpillar has produced through the years, perhaps the most popular in terms of worldwide unit sales is the model...
Classic MachinesTractors

The Oliver OC-18 tractor

Contrafed PUblishing
In its heyday, the Oliver Corporation of Cleveland Ohio, USA was a well-respected company manufacturing agricultural tractors and implements. By Richard Campbell. Looking to expand...

The Euclid/Terex S-24 scraper

Contrafed PUblishing
Designed as a direct replacement for its existing S-18 single engined motor scraper, the Euclid (later Terex) S-24 had a long career and was the...
Classic MachinesScrapers

Motor graders of LeTourneau-Westinghouse

Contrafed PUblishing
Prior to its acquisition by Westinghouse Air Brake Co (WABCO), RG LeTourneau Inc, had tried unsuccessfully to design and develop a motor grader to complement...
CaterpillarClassic Machines

The Caterpillar DW15 scraper

Contrafed PUblishing
The Caterpillar DW15 Revisited Back in the May 2005 issue of Contractor we had a look at Caterpillar’s DW10 successor, the DW15. Page space was...
Classic MachinesTerex

The Terex S-23E elevating scraper

Contrafed PUblishing
Classic MachinesScrapers

The International Harvester 270 PayScraper

Contrafed PUblishing
Ten years ago, when I first wrote about the International 270 PayScraper (Contractor, September 2005), the article was heavily abridged to fit available publishing space. Also,...
Forgotten companies

Forgotten companies – Hough

Contrafed PUblishing