Tag : Euclid scrapers


Euclid’s Big Singles- The S-28 and S-32

Contrafed PUblishing
Designed to compete directly with the Caterpillar 651, the Euclid S-28, and later S-32 were the largest single-engined overhung scrapers that the company ever manufactured,...

Michigan’s Open Bowl Scrapers

Contrafed PUblishing
While Michigan scrapers had been around for quite a while, as a scraper brand it didn’t really make an impression in New Zealand until it...
Classic MachinesScrapers

The International Harvester 270 PayScraper

Contrafed PUblishing
Ten years ago, when I first wrote about the International 270 PayScraper (Contractor, September 2005), the article was heavily abridged to fit available publishing space. Also,...
Classic MachinesEuclid

Euclid’s TS-18 motor scraper

Contrafed PUblishing