Tag : bulldozer blades

Forgotten companies

The LaPlant-Choate TS-300 motor scraper

Contrafed PUblishing
LaPlant-Choate’s TS-300 owes its origins to a design formulated prior to World War 2. The TS-300 was LaPlant-Choate’s first motor scraper and despite being taken...
Forgotten companies

Forgotten companies: Carco

Contrafed PUblishing
Many of the readership will identify the name Carco as being associated with logging winches and forestry equipment. However, Carco’s roots go much further back...
Classic MachinesScrapers

Wooldridge’s scraper range

Contrafed PUblishing
Wooldridge is not a name many of our readers will be familiar with and yet it was an important evolutionary branch of the motor scraper...
Classic MachinesForgotten companies

Forgotten companies: Heil

Contrafed PUblishing
Heil, whose head office and main production plant was in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, was at one stage on the ‘cutting edge’ of earthmoving technology when...
Forgotten companies

Mississippi Road Supply

Contrafed PUblishing
Back in the November 2005 issue of Contractor we had brief look at the M.R.S Company (Mississippi Road Supply) of Flora, Mississippi, USA. I didn’t...
Forgotten companies

Forgotten companies – Hough

Contrafed PUblishing