Last month (May) this column highlighted the changes in investment signalled in the Draft Government Policy Statement on Land Transport. By PETER SILCOCK For members...
This article first appeared in Contractor Perspectives 2017. The surge of infrastructure work in New Zealand has created opportunities for contracting companies to grow. Peter Silcock,...
The idea of bundling performance contracts had an interesting beginning – it started with a Hutt Valley contractor and his son. By ALAN TITCHALL. TODAY’S...
At the time of writing 13 new NOC contracts had been awarded; three previous maintenance contracts were ‘converted’ to NOCs – Marlborough Roads (from a...
The Transport Agency’s new Network Outcomes Contracts (NOCs) model represents a paradigm shift in the way our highway network is maintained, and it has changed...
Nearly halfway through the roll-out of the NZ Transport Agency’s network outcomes contracts (NOCs), early indications are that the new maintenance and operations approach is...