Grand-daddy of all the scrapers (apart from the horse-drawn, wheel-less Fresno type), the single axle scraper has a niche in the history of earthmoving and...
The Bucyrus-Erie Company was world famous for its range of face shovels, draglines, cranes and other mining and quarry equipment. However, it also made a...
Although it was not an original Allis-Chalmers design, the model TS-200 motorscraper paved the way for a far more successful machine in Allis’ product line,...
Back in time when the track type tractor was still considered a new tool for earthmoving, there were dozens of companies offering attachments to outfit...
Established in the 1880s, Eimco designed and built underground mining equipment. In a surprising move, it decided to go above ground and enter the track...
Replacing the previous model HD-15 in the Allis-Chalmers line of track type tractors the HD-16 was introduced with much fanfare in 1955. By Richard Campbell...
Richard Campbell examines the early track-type tractors produced by Euclid before its name changed to Terex. Introduced by Euclid in 1959 after extensive field testing,...
Allis-Chalmers was the first heavy machinery builder to enter the big track-type tractor development race immediately following World War II. Richard Campbell looks at its...
Developed directly from its model HD-20 (introduced 1951), the HD-21 featured among other things, one of the diesel engines from the recently acquired Buda Engine...