Tag : GarWood


Evolution of the Single Axle Scraper

Contrafed PUblishing
Grand-daddy of all the scrapers (apart from the horse-drawn, wheel-less Fresno type), the single axle scraper has a niche in the history of earthmoving and...
Forgotten companies

Forgotten companies: Bucyrus-Erie

Contrafed PUblishing
The Bucyrus-Erie Company was world famous for its range of face shovels, draglines, cranes and other mining and quarry equipment. However, it also made a...

A more modern look at the Allis-Chalmers TS-200 motorscraper

Gill Prentice
Although it was not an original Allis-Chalmers design, the model TS-200 motorscraper paved the way for a far more successful machine in Allis’ product line,...
Classic MachinesForgotten companies

Forgotten companies: Isaacson

Contrafed PUblishing
Back in time when the track type tractor was still considered a new tool for earthmoving, there were dozens of companies offering attachments to outfit...
ContractorForgotten companies

Forgotten companies: Eimco

Contrafed PUblishing
Established in the 1880s, Eimco designed and built underground mining equipment. In a surprising move, it decided to go above ground and enter the track...

The Allis-Chalmers HD-11 tractor

Contrafed PUblishing
Designed as a replacement for an earlier tractor, the Allis-Chalmers HD-11 was a very worthy successor and was in production for over 25 years.  By...
Classic MachinesTractors

The Allis-Chalmers HD-16 tractor

Contrafed PUblishing
Replacing the previous model HD-15 in the Allis-Chalmers line of track type tractors the HD-16 was introduced with much fanfare in 1955.   By Richard Campbell...

The Euclid C-6 crawler tractor

Contrafed PUblishing
Richard Campbell examines the early track-type tractors produced by Euclid before its name changed to Terex. Introduced by Euclid in 1959 after extensive field testing,...

The Allis-Chalmers HD-19 tractor

Contrafed PUblishing
 Allis-Chalmers was the first heavy machinery builder to enter the big track-type tractor development race immediately following World War II. Richard Campbell looks at its...
Allis-ChalmersModel Collector

The Allis-Chalmers HD-21 tractor

Contrafed PUblishing
Developed directly from its model HD-20 (introduced 1951), the HD-21 featured among other things, one of the diesel engines from the recently acquired Buda Engine...