Tag : Buda

Classic MachinesContractor

Schield C-35 Bantam excavator

Contrafed PUblishing
Wanting a cheap and versatile cable-operated excavator capable of performing multiple tasks including backhoe, face shovel, dragline, crane or clamshell? Look no further than the...

The LeTourneau Model B Tournapull

Contrafed PUblishing
LeTourneau was the pioneer in motor scraper development in the late 1930s, nobody else came close to replicating his success.  With his Model A Tournapull...

The Allis-Chalmers TS-360 scraper

Contrafed PUblishing
Following its buy out of LaPlant-Choate in 1952, Allis-Chalmers proceeded to improve and enhance its products. One of the first machines to receive attention was...

LeTourneau’s Model C Tournatractor

Contrafed PUblishing
Always the innovative thinker when it came to earthmoving equipment, Robert LeTourneau came up with the idea of the Tournatractor in 1946. By RICHARD CAMPBELL...

The Mississippi Road Supply Company (M.R.S)

Contrafed PUblishing
Specialising in assembled machines, primarily for the US military, the Mississippi Road Supply Company (MRS) produced a range of motorscrapers including the monstrous Model 250,...