Work to restore and improve Kaikoura’s roads and rail after the 2016 earthquake reached an end before Christmas.
At a ceremony to mark the departure of the Alliance exactly three years after State Highway one was reopened, Transport Minister Michael Wood thanked the 9000 people who worked on this project.
“They not only reconnected communities and businesses, they strengthened those connections,” he said.
“Tunnels have been enlarged to help freight move easier, which will help the region’s economic recovery. The roads have been engineered up to be more resilient and safer, with wider roads and guardrails along the parts of the route.”
He noted the wider benefits of investing in infrastructure, such as the 240,000 meals workers bought from local cafes and restaurants, providing a boost to the local economy.
The projects included a rockfall protection canopy south of Kaikoura that is the first of its kind in the Southern Hemisphere, and cultural artwork at sites along the coast.
The NCTIR Alliance was set up by the Transport Agency and KiwiRail along with Downer, Fulton Hogan, HEB Construction and Higgins.
The $1.25 billion rebuild repaired and strengthened the road and rail network along the 60- kilometre route between Clarence and Oaro that was badly damaged in the November 2016 7.8M earthquake.