Workplace SafetyH&S is killing us softlyContrafed PUblishingMarch 30, 2017November 21, 2022 by Contrafed PUblishingMarch 30, 2017November 21, 2022 By Greg Sheehan, Sheehan’s Transport Assistance. A few months ago, I celebrated 50 years of working in the road transport industry, so I feel that...
CommentContractorBreach of permit changes welcomedVijay NaiduAugust 25, 2015August 16, 2022 by Vijay NaiduAugust 25, 2015August 16, 2022 JONATHAN BHANA-THOMSON, CHIEF EXECUTIVE, NZ HEAVY HAULAGE ASSOCIATION CHANGES HAVE RECENTLY been made to the Vehicle Dimensions and Mass Rule relating to the enforcement process...
CommentContractorA winning change of directionContrafed PUblishingMay 15, 2015August 16, 2022 by Contrafed PUblishingMay 15, 2015August 16, 2022 The popular image of a heavy-haulage operator is someone who entered the industry early and drove a truck for years before rising through the ranks...