Tag : roading contractors

Heavy Haulage

Roading sites and oversize loads

Contrafed PUblishing
By Jonathan Bhana-Thomson, chief executive, Heavy haulage association. The increasing amount of new road construction and maintenance activities on the nation’s roading network this time...
ContractorRoads of National Significance

The original seven RoNS for dummies

Contrafed PUblishing
ALAN TITCHALL looks at the origins of the ‘Roads of National Significance’ (RoNS) in part one of a three-part article series that will also cover...

SCRIM trucks: Sharp Eyes on the Road

Contrafed PUblishing
The SCRIM trucks were back on our highways over the summer, with the last surveying completed over the lower North and South Island regions in January....

Managing road networks

Contrafed PUblishing
DR STEVEN FINLAY, MANAGER BUSINESS SOLUTIONS, EQUIP LIMITED PARTNERSHIP LOCAL GOVERNMENT NEW ZEALAND. Last year was significant for strengthening the partnership between councils as road...
ContractorNetwork Outcomes Contracts (NOCs)Profile

Dad’s idea – as realised by his son (Chris Olsen)

Contrafed PUblishing
The idea of bundling performance contracts had an interesting beginning – it started with a Hutt Valley contractor and his son. By ALAN TITCHALL. TODAY’S...